Hounds Gallery

Fella chomping his treat!

Fella chomping his treat!

Fella came to visit us at the Animals in need spring fayre, gorgeous chap he is

Fella chomping his treat!

Fella came to visit us at the Animals in need spring fayre, gorgeous chap he is

Barney and his Bone!

Barney and his Bone!

Barney absolutely loved his smokey knotted bone and peanut butter dental croc, I'm sure you will agree he is just adorable :-)

Barney and his Bone!

Barney absolutely loved his smokey knotted bone and peanut butter dental croc, I'm sure you will agree he is just adorable :-)

Beautiful Nora

Beautiful Nora

Enjoying a sweet potato and blueberry Bumpi Bone, what a beautiful girl!

Beautiful Nora

Enjoying a sweet potato and blueberry Bumpi Bone, what a beautiful girl!

New Customer Jackson checking out his treats

New Customer Jackson checking out his treats

Jackson is a gorgeous young chap and we can see in this photo he has a beautiful shiny coat. Jackson has a sensitive tum, but so far is all good...

New Customer Jackson checking out his treats

Jackson is a gorgeous young chap and we can see in this photo he has a beautiful shiny coat. Jackson has a sensitive tum, but so far is all good...

Pippa and the BIG girl treats

Pippa and the BIG girl treats

Check out the gorgeous Pippa going straight in for the BIG girl treats, never mind the little puppy training treats. Sooooo gorgeous

Pippa and the BIG girl treats

Check out the gorgeous Pippa going straight in for the BIG girl treats, never mind the little puppy training treats. Sooooo gorgeous

Ava, Arlo, Daisy and Dora waiting patiently for a treat!

Ava, Arlo, Daisy and Dora waiting patiently for...

Look at these super well behaved doggies, all sitting nicely, waiting for their LPC treat. These lucky pooches had two Santa Paws boxes to share, aren't they just adorable. 

Ava, Arlo, Daisy and Dora waiting patiently for...

Look at these super well behaved doggies, all sitting nicely, waiting for their LPC treat. These lucky pooches had two Santa Paws boxes to share, aren't they just adorable.